
Giving Blogger a try again

I've decided to experiment with Blogger again after being out of touch with Blogger for the past 2 years.

Currently having purchase a Samsung mobile phone and realised how easily to use and run Google related apps on the Andriod device.

Today, I've taken some time to configure the layout of all my blogs, as well as the sidebars.

No doubt, I still find that there are some functions that I can easily customise in Wordpress but not in Blogger. Examples:
  1. Placement of Adsense ads. In Wordpress it is easy to customise the placement of ads. There are even plugins to perform the function
  2. More control over the layout for those who are HTML challenged. There are countless free and free templates available in Wordpress that is good and ready to use
  3. Easier comment moderation- there are plugins (for self hosted Wordpress blogs) to improve the overall user experience.
  4. Cannot upload formats like pdf as Blogger does not support that format
  5. Less control because you can't really control what you do not own
However Blogger does have its advantages:
  1. Need not pay hosting fee
  2. Good for those who want to try out
  3. Can buy a domain name and Blogger will host it for you
  4. If you know programming, you can still perform your own customization on the layout.
  5. Blogger blogs are mobile friendly. In my opinion they look great and easy to navigate on mobile phones/ tablets.
This is part of my experimentation. I've removed the previous 3 column format that I've used and replace it with a standard blogger template. Then I've chosen to monetize the site and added the option to put in ads below the post and at the sidebar.

I have read in most blogs that the Adsense codes can be parse the Adsense codes. Well, I shall not want to go into that as I am allowed to insert codes in my other self-hosted blogs without much issue.
Would place the ads only at the sidebars and the bottom of the posts.

Let's see how things go. 

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